WAV versus FLAC

Until now I though that the sound coming from the files in these two formats are identical. However, recently, I have heard from a person whose opinion I respect highly that sound from WAV files is "warmer" and that from FLAC files is "brighter".

I wonder if anyoner else have similar observations?

Thank you

Showing 3 responses by koegz

http://www.computeraudiophile.com/faq and https://www.hdtracks.com/index.php?file=staticpage&pagename=faq#2 read what the experts say. do your research. to me flac is where you won't to be. Wav to flac to Wav to flac and back to Wav again, No change in data. It is the dac that makes the true differance here. Oh and the balance of your system. It aint vinyl but it is aproaching it.
converted The smithereens version of "tommy" and Steely Dan's "Goucho" from flac 96KHZ/24bit to wav 96KHZ/24bit. These are two of the best sounding HD Tracks. Notice more then half the time flac had more bits(between 4-10). Do not know why. In any case after several back and forth switching and hard listening, I can honestly say, I heard NO difference. My system: Rockport Arrakis, VTL Siegfrieds mono amps and 7.5 11 pre amp, dcs debussy, silent music server using windows 7 and j rivers set up for pure bit. Cabling Jena labs Dreamdancer. Albums down loaded from HD Tracks. You can believe what you will. Also compared to vinyl. Sorry doubters, Vinyl is still King!
I really do not know what you are saying. The highest rate recording available that I can find and down load is 96hz/24bit at HDtracks.com. Second the disscussion is if there is a difference in the sound of flac and wav and if one sounds better the the other. Which I could hear none. As far as other kingdoms, I have no clue. Are you referring to real to real? which there is almost no softwear. Or some new digital format yet to come. Please enlighten me.