Watts and power

Can somebody break it down in layman's terms for me? Why is it that sometimes an amp that has a high watt rating (like, say, a lot of class D amps do) don't seem to always have the balls that much lower rated A or AB amps do? I have heard some people say, "It's not the watts, it's the power supply." Are they talking about big honkin' toroidal transformers? I know opinions vary on a speaker like, say, Magnepans - Maggies love power, right? A lot of people caution against using class D amps to drive them and then will turn around and say that a receiver like the Outlaw RR2160 (rated at 110 watts into 8 ohms) drives Maggies really well! I'm not really asking about differences between Class D, A, or AB so much as I am asking about how can you tell the POWER an amp has from the specs? 

Showing 3 responses by sejodiren

Read the review for this Proton that I own.  A lowly 40wpc but 6db of headroom.  It makes my DQ 10's just sing compared to the Yamaha SS receiver I was previously using at 95wpc in 2 channel mode.  I don't know a whole lot about the 'techy' stuff but I believe it's a class g/h?  Incredible sounding 'little' amp for sure..... http://www.hifi-classic.net/review/proton-d540-410.html
@audiozenology.....thanks for the feedback.  I don't comment on here much.....too much back and forth banter.  So I just read and form my own opinion.  I've become a lot more 'tech savvy' than I used to be.  There's a guy  on CL selling this Proton 'beast'.  What's your impression of the review?  He wants $750 for it. I know they are rare. Not trying to hijack this thread....haha  Judging from your answer, you like the Proton specs I'm guessing.  http://www.hifi-classic.net/review/proton-d1200-165.html
@georgehifi ....thx!  Yea, I've seen that video and specs when I was researching some Proton amps.  Mind boggling!  A tech with 40+ years exp had told me about them when I was looking for info on the Dahlquists.  Said he'd owned several sets and had powered them with Bryston, Carver, PL and the Ampzilla.  Said the Proton sounded better than any of them.  I figured since we're talking low power, high current....I'd ask.  Appreciate the info