What this does is support the assertion of many audiophiles that DSD (as in SACD records) does not distort or destroy the "analogous-ness" of the original the way PCM does. There is a reason download services use DSD for ultimate sound quality in their downloads.
I entered the online audio world with that claim way back when SONY first release it's DSD recordings, and I could do comparisons of analog, PCM, and SACD releases. DSD has been accepted by critical listeners. PCM now with high bit rates and somewhat extended frequency response has nearly matched it (some would say it has matched it.) But for MoFi, they obviously felt that DSD could be used without distorting or lessening "the analog sound" of the master tapes. Doesn't excuse their lack of disclosure, but does tend to support the belief that for a decade DSD far exceeded PCM in "truthfulness" to the analog signal.