Was my friend given misinformation.

My friend is just getting into audio for a music system. In his price rang I thought the Rogue Sphinx V3 would be a nice choice. He could also look at the Revel Concerta 2 line of speakers. Well he decided to stop by Magnolia at Best Buy.  Not a bad setup he got a Denon 3700 AVR and a pair of B&W 603's. He said the salesman told him to stay away from integrated amps as they are not anything but stripped down AVR's without the features. So I guess all us owners of 2 channel preamps and integrated have been duped. Who knew??


Showing 1 response by akg_ca




The real shame is that he was duped into buying an AVR. These have no place in a serious audio system.

Yup …. Nailed it…”Point, Set, and Match…” in tennis jargon.


”…He said the salesman told him to stay away from integrated amps as they are not anything but stripped down AVR’s without the features….

It is both infuriating and also very sad to hear Best Buy troglodytes spewing this abject horseshite to solely flog their commission dependent Uber-cheap-as-you-can-build-it Chinese inferior crap AVRs….especially since the reality check of build quality and resulting audio performance of a quality build integrated amp is actually the polar opposite, that smokes any AVR….full stop.