Warped record

I just received a record from Amazon, beautifully packaged and protected for a change.  However the record is warped.  
Question is will it affect the sound and/or damage the cartridge?


Showing 3 responses by ghdprentice


+1 Yes warps come in all magnitudes. All but the smallest will be heard. You should return it. 


Sure… but I would relax. It isn’t a conspiracy. Different errors and knowledge comes from different channels. If you buy from Amazon it will happen a lot… Music Direct less. It is avoidable by going to record stores or using a different media type. But, it comes with vinyl.

@rvpiano …Only this new one which I exchanged for a more warped one! …

 It doesn’t happen often… but once in a while problems compound.


I ordered from Amazon about four or maybe five times. I remember returning two of them, both warps. I don’t order from them anymore. Too much hassle with returns. I like my life with no unnecessary complications.

Of course you can see why Amazon is not an ideal vendor to being giving special care to vinyl when they are shipping millions of products a day from hundreds of warehouses.