Warn Sound Capacitor

hi all ;)
based on your experience, i would like advice on choosing a warm sounding capacitor, its use will be in passive crossover for loudspeakers.
if you have a very open tweeter and want to tame it avoid mundorf, especially the white line. For tweeter use CSA would have less sibilance compared to ESA. Another alternative could be Obligato premium gold with a nice pricing. Whatever you choose leave it to settle as caps may require some time to run in.
It might not be a bad idea to know the rest of the circuit?

Is there a resistor in series or parallel after the capacitor shunt, and do you know the value?
I don't want to suggest shunting more energy to ground as I'm not wanting to kill your amplifier :-)
if you don't know what you're doing?

I.own a new pair of 4367 horn speakers from JBL. Overall, they sound good, but the horn can dominate especially when it comes to the elevated human voice..that is overbearing, loud, and shouty  Can these components mentioned above tailor the sound so to retain most of the speakers attributes, yet attenuate the shoutiness? Are there any aftermarket products, such as crossovers that can be simply swapped to possibly fix problem?
Thanks for letting me horn in,..just not sure where to turn to effectively,  easily, and practically address this issue with the speakers. Thank you.
I suggest the Miflex KPAL series. If those are a bit too spendy, I would suggest sticking with a film and foil type, and staying away from metallized polypropylenes. The construction is much better.
"For tweeter use CSA would have less sibilance compared to ESA"

so you say the CSA are rounder then ESA ?
are you sure or probably i understand wrong ?