Warmish, good tracker & low noise for used vinyl?

Hello folks - Of the carts listed, can anyone say from experience which would be warmest with good tracking and low surface noise playing used vinyl? On the radar: Denon DL-103, DL-110, Ortofon S30, Nagaoka M-150. Like what i've read about Grado but put off by reports of hum and that it's not a great tracker. Not too interested in highly detailed or anything with potential for being "bright" so avoiding the AT150MLX. Would like to keep cost below $400. System listed but it's for a KAB SL1210M5G (w/fluid damper) + Heed Quasar phono-pre (can do LOMC). Running a Stanton cart w/Pickering elliptical. Like the warmth quite a bit but could do with a bit wider and deeper stage. So looking for a replacement option given no more of the Pickering styli left. Listen to EVERYTHING (...well, almost...don't play rap or death metal). Thanks for your input.

Showing 2 responses by yogiboy

I have enjoyed Grado for years. Where did you get the info that they are not great trackers? In a medium mass arm ( SME 309)they have passed every test with my tracking test records. And as far as hum I never had that problem. If you like a warm cartridge then Grado is the way to go.
Ghosthouse- Thanks for that info. I just never had any type of that problem with the many I have owned over the past thirty plus years. Good luck in your search!