Warmest? BAT VK200, Classe CA200, Mccormack .5

If someone was looking for the warmest
full bodied, least fatigueing sound which
would you choose. I have Martin Logans.

Showing 1 response by bob_bundus

Can't help you regarding the comparison question but I had to remark about McCormack's. They have a very warm, dynamic & musical sonic signature when paired with the right speakers, cables, & AC cord, which did require a fair amount of experimentation. I added some other tweaks (Vibrapods, Black Diamond shelf, cones) the amp always responded to any tweaks/changes, sometimes better / sometimes worse (just as you'd expect) my point being that they are highly tweakable to achieve whatever sonic charactaristics are desired. Nice very affordable line of equipment. Works well with a Custom Power Top Gun HCFI AC cord straight to line.