you don't need to spend that kind of money and I'd advise against it since I expect cd optical medium will be a thing of the past in the next 5 to 10 years. I'd go with a Raysonic 168 or any good design tubed output player.The Ray is slightly warmish. In my experience ARC designs are highly detailed but analytical and not musical...just my opinion and others with have a different take.
Warmer CD sound sought - MCD 301 or 500 or REF CD7
As much as I have enjoyed my Levinson 390S for many years now, I am finding that I prefer a warmer sound. I am considering McIntosh's MCD 301 & MCD 500, and the ARC REF CD7. I realize these 3 players purchased new are quite different from each other in price. What I am looking for is input from any who have compared two or more of these, and for those who have, what differences did you discern? And since the subject players cover a large price range, I would also be happy to learn about other recommendations, especially toward the lower end of the $3000 to $9000 price range.
I listen to vocals, jazz, solo instrumental, classical, some rock, and a little blues. The rest of my primary system is Levinson gear driving Sonus Faber Auditor M's with a REL B-2.
Thanks in advance for any guidance/suggestions anyone can share!
I listen to vocals, jazz, solo instrumental, classical, some rock, and a little blues. The rest of my primary system is Levinson gear driving Sonus Faber Auditor M's with a REL B-2.
Thanks in advance for any guidance/suggestions anyone can share!