Warm, yet detailed tube preamp

Looking for a warm but yet detailed preamp to upgrade my Rouge RP1 (with NOS tubes). Rest of system is Coincident Frankenstein 300B Mk2, Zu Audio Omen Def Supreme, digital front end with PS Audio AirStream and DirectStream Sr (modified with external power supply for the analog side and different output transformers). The Rouge is a very good preamp (especially for the money), but it does definitely hold the system back at this point. I would like to add a bit more warmth of the overall sound and also add depth to the soundstage (without losing details). And I do want a remote... if nothing else, volume and mute.


Willing to spend about $5k used (or so).


I saw some Backert Lab preamp recommendation and I also highly recommend the Backert preamp if you are looking for a "neutral" sound.

But OP is looking for a "warm" sound, which the Backert is not.

For more detail, neutral midrange, vintage 6SN7 Sylvania GT work okay

Having tried several different pairs of interconnects...each provided different results as well.


Warmth to me is more "meat on the bones" in the midrange. It’s not the low-end.



In my LTA Microzotl MZ3 I have (2) 6SN7 Sylvania GT and or 6SN7 Sylvania W with both tubes being ’metal base’ are quite special with the Micrzotl circuit. And in the 12AT7 position I have (2) Telefunken ECC801S /12AT7WA’s. and the synergy is again, fantastic.

My interconnects are 聖Hijiri HCI-R10 and the synergy is outstanding with this preamp and tubes. The LTA Microzotl MZ3 with these additions provide open, detailed, airy, holographic, quiet background and a wide sound stage with an uncanny overall balance in the sound it puts out. The ’openness’ I hear with this combination is what I’d define as exactly what @audiojan described above as ’meat on the bones’ midrange.

Now there’s one more thing I have to mention. I snagged @grannyring’s old Clayton Audio modified S-40 amplifier that came up for sale some months ago and it was a perfect synergistic match with my gear. I couldn’t be more happier with the results.

So @grannyring, if you read this, Thank you very much for what you do and share here on audiogon.

Surprised at no mention of Modwright yet. I have the Modwright LS300 (dual mono balanced) and the choice of rectifiers and 9-pin tubes allows a lot of tuning to get to warm or "meat on the bones" if that is what you want. The new LS99 is a scaled down version, with a single rectifier tube, but the same general topology, so I'd expect similar results. I'm very happy with mine, great sounding (yes, detailed/transparent), terrific remote, just a very solid unit, with great support.

The Don Sachs preamp is just the VTA SP14 in a prettier enclosure.  The SP14, preassembled and tested, with remote control, is $1900 new.  $1450 as a kit.