Warm up time for record playing

It seems that my records don’t realize their full sonic potential until about 45 minutes of playing. Even if the rest of the system is already warmed up.
Does anyone have an explanation for this?

Showing 6 responses by rvpiano

Well, maybe 45 minutes is an exaggeration, but it certainly is NOT my ears accommodating to the sound.  The improvement is quite palpable.
I’m glad to hear all the corroborating responses to my observations.
As is said above, It’s not mutually exclusive that physiology and warm up time are both possibilities.
I just realized that most of the tubes in my preamp are designated for the phono input and they take time to warm up.  I don’t think they’re activated during CD or streaming playback.

I’m sure you’re right.. The manual for the Conrad-Johnson PV11 merely states that most of the tubes in the preamp are designated for the phono section.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not energized when the unit is turned on.
Thanks for the enlightenment.