Warm up time for amps

My amps ( I have many but as an example in this case Bryston 7b3's) seem to take a good 45 minutes to reach best sound. My question is ... how do I warm them up quicker? Is playing them on a revolving loop or shuttle BEFORE my listening starts the only option? If that is the case does playing at low volume achieve the same results, and/or does playing louder speed things up, and if so presumably the louder, the quicker in proportions?
And in that box, is the ambient temperature (eg summer or winter) a factor? To me, it should make no difference with all that stuff going on inside a confined space,  but someone will tell me otherwise? I could rig up small fan heaters to blow for ten minutes? If it cuts down warm up time by half for example it may not be such a  stupid or strange idea as I think it might be, as it would increase the proportion of "enjoyable" listening time substantially.
I could even be super smart by putting timers on the fans (which in case anyone points out a supply contamination issue ... could be on a different circuit entirely
The amps are rarely switched off.
This issue does frustrate. All that expensive kit not performing at best for a period ....

Showing 9 responses by tatyana69

I am leaving them on - it just takes time to get to working temperature, which is not the "idle" temperature
Thanks Elizabeth - I think I need to contact Bryston to see what technical issues (beyond my normal ken)  come into play.
My 28bsst2's have a similar problem and if I were to rely on memory (not a good thing!) I would say they took 20 minutes to warm up from idle.
So oddly ... a bit less time ..... so model variance could be an issue. And  my 4bsst2 a bit quicker than that, now I come to think about it.

Millercarbon - are you saying running the  demagnetizing track reduces warm up time?
Usual inane response from you
Please don't bother making silly contributions .. as is the norm with you
All of your posts are pointless, irrelevant or ignorant
The usual suspect naysayers will say a signal is a signal. Amps and cables have nothing to do with any digital signal. So why do we say otherwise ...?
Sorry I digress, just thought I  would tell the morons what is what
According to  mijostyn you should change your amps then !
What do you think of that  suggestion?
I have Bryston amps
2 x 7b3
2 x 28bsst2
1 x 4b3
1 x 4bsst2
1 x 4b

 yes I need to contact Bryston for a technical view as they all seem to have different warm up times. Elizabeth pointed out possible reasons. Been a bit busy recently but must allocate some time to email them.
So the general view is that it may not be at all ambient temperature and ...
... it is NOT uncommon to take so long to get up to speed (snigger snigger)

It is not so much a question of leaving on, but the warm up time from "on and idle"
dobnbav45 posts
I did not say a cooling fan - I wrote  "I could install fan heaters"
And I did not write about divesting in an amp because I am ignorant about how things work.
And my Jaguar doesn't need a warm up period, but then I am not driving it at 120 mile per hour (immediately or otherwise).
So well done there!

But an answer is still maybe a bit unclear, if I put my Bryson amps on louder rather than softer would that speed up the warming process?
The idea that a trickle of low sound constantly going through is appropriate?