Warm sounding power cord for for CD player to suppress digital glare on vocals.

What would be a good warm-signature power cord for a digital component to suppress glare in the upper mids/lower treble? I listen to older CDs (and the Bealtes) and there is definitely some glare in vocals on many of these recordings, mainly in redbook. Thanks in advance.

Showing 3 responses by jmcgrogan2

Purist Audio Design Dominus with Fluid always worked well with digital in my experiences. Kubala Sosna Emotion is another suggestion.
Rarely do I disagree with Al, but I believe that power cords, like cables, ARE tone controls, whether folks like to admit it or not.

I think in the long run many of us like a somewhat similar sound. However, many approach this similar result via different paths. Yes, some like extreme detail, and some overly lush, but for the most part we are looking for a balance of warmth and detail. How we approach this balance can be done many different ways.

I have seen many use warmer cables with more revealing components and vice versa. There is no such thing as a power cord, cable, capacitor, tube, etc., with no sonic signature of it's own. Whether one wishes to pair warmer tubes with revealing cables, or warmer cables with revealing speakers, it really a personal choice.

There's more than one way to skin a cat. IMHO. YMMV.

Ahhhh, okay Al, you talked me into it. I'll change the word "signature" to "effect". LOL!

I always enjoy your input, I find it very educational, at least what I can understand. :^)
