Warm, rich, smooth, 3d tube integrated amp, budget $6000

Hey guys sorry to ask again but now I'm considering a tube integrated for my vienna acoustics haydn grand, atc scm7 and yamaha ns5000. Want something, rich with forward mids.. something 3d sounding.

So far my top contenders are conrad johnson cav 45s2 and prima luna evo 400.  If it doesn't get super hot that would be nice but not mandatory.

Right now I'm using my elekit tu8600 which is a very good amp.. works well with grand haydns but not enough power for ns5k or scm7.

Thanks !


Showing 11 responses by smodtactical

My Haydn is 4 ohm, 25-180 watts is the recommended range and it seems to play well with 9.2 watts of my elekit tu8600. So maybe 40-60 watts will be enough for my use case?

@fatdaddy2 I hear you... even my 9.2 watt elekit has some heat but much better than the nuclear fireball that is my pass x350.8. If it gets hot im ok with it... i dont think ill get the sound I want with a cool running amp.

Thanks guys for the further thoughts. I agree with @pani it seems like those options are not rich, warm, full (based on my reading and talking to some friends).

Another name that keeps popping up for the sound I am looking for is Cary (SLI80) and Jadis (orchestra).

@audioman58 thx but not interested in solid state.

@vassilis_t cool another ns5k owner... thanks will look into those 

@sandthemall ya evo 400 looks like a great amp.. definitely on my list.. I haven't seen too many comparisons to other amps tho 

For you guys that have prima luna. Have you compared them to any other tube gear? Thanks!

So maybe this is the wrong path and I should go back to my prior idea of a warm tube preamp to replace the ARC?

@drcjj thanks man... well written thoughts.. I have a local dealer who offered me a 1 week trial on the evo 400 so thinking about it

Ok so I actually enjoy my bottlehead moreplay more than my reference 5se. The moreplay has a richer tone, more forward mids and surprisingly more depth and sounds more holographic.

So I want to go more in the direction of that kind of sound and ideally have something with a remote and something that has decent resell value.

My front runners:
Jadis JPS2
Vac Renaissance Mk V

Conrad Johnson ET7 or something older like Act 2.


Second tier options:

Cary SLP05

Prima luna evo 400