Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp?

I currently own a Modwright preamp and a Pass Labs X150 amp. I really enjoy these components but, I wish the Pass amp had more warmth in my system. What amps have the warmth of tubes but are as detailed and as controlled as this Pass amp. I can't afford the .5 series of Pass amps. I previously had a CJ MF-200 amp and PV-11 preamp in my system, which was much warmer, but not as clean and detailed. I'm looking to spend about $2K used. Thanks!
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Newbee - I did not use the Cary with the Panache, but with the Odyssey dual mono. The Panache is an integrated amp (actually, technically it's not quite that since the pre, I believe, is a passive stage - look to their site or one of the many reviews online for a technical description. The Cary SLP-50 A-version is reportedly one of Dennis Had's personal favorites. I can tell you that synergistically I have found nothing better to use with my 300B SET amps, and I've tried a few. One did surpass it recently, but I have not listened to it at length to be sure...it was an FET based SS preamp that was designed and built by an audio engineer friend of a friend. I hope to give it a more lengthy audition at some point. I have tried most of George Wright's preamps, as well as having owned a prototype Modwright when Dan was at that stage with the SWL 9. Also an ARC LS-2B modded by GNS. The latter two came off as a bit cold and analytical sounding. To be fair they each worked very well in other systems. Also Dan has changed the SWL 9 significantly since the prototype (which I did like very much with Quicksilver Mini Mites). I'd like to try one of his production versions. The prototype worked extremely well in a Push/Pull tube system. Also, I've owned a Cary SLP-50B which uses 6922's instead of 6CG7's - didn't like that at all - highs were too hard and the upper registers in general seemed exaggerated compared to what I was used to (and preferred). I had the 50A and 50B at the same time and tried several very nice NOS 6922's in the 50B. I didn't like it as much as the 50A. It never lost the edge on the upper register. Can't recall the others, but there were a few. I can't say I've tried it all by any means, but I do keep coming back the SLP50A for what seems like a great balance of 'warmth' and detail. It definitely has a classic tube, glowing round the edges kind of performance. I am not under the illusion that it a world-class performer, but it does enough right that I've kept it as longer than any other component I currently have. It's really the only preamp I've tried with the Odyssey so far, and it works very well there as well, but I look forward to trying other options. A friend of mine might be bringing over his SLM70's (modded to switch between Triode and UL), and if he does I'll be trying them out with the Cary and will let you know. I like those amps very much in his system. I've heard them with Quad 988's and Harbeths...their sound somehow reminds me of the character of the SLP50A preamp. I've heard them with a Audible Illusions pre, and with a CAT pre. I never had the chance to compare and listening sessions were too far apart to tell the difference, but I enjoyed both combinations. My friend much prefers the CAT - He is Agon member Peter_s if you want to write to him - I bought my Odyssey from him as well, and he's the one with the FET preamp I liked so much with my SET amps. I don't really know how much his SLM70's share in common with your 50's though. On another note, one nice aspect about the 50A's is that NOS tubes are relatively inexpensive and easy to find. The current production tubes I recently tried out from EH are awful in that preamp. I like RCA cleartops and JAN Sylvanias in there. EH robbed detail and dynamics from the NOS choices. But, if I had to wager a guess, I'd bet the SLP50A would impart warmth to your SLM's so may not be the direction you want to pursue. On the other hand, they are usually very reasonably price and extremely easy to sell, so buying one to try out is no big risk. If you were nearby you could certainly give mine a whirl.

When I'm searching for input on a component I always appreciate that someone has posted it so the search engine picks it up. I don't consider marginally off-topic information to be "clutter" so I'll post this here, and ping you separately. As always, YMMV.

Marco, Thanks for the description. Its as if you read my mind when you mentioned the B edition (I knew where one was available) and the 6922 tube - don't need more 6922 based audio products (although I was scrounging around my stash for a new cpd I'm playing with and found a dozen old rebadged EI's I had used in my SP10 in the late 80's. Didn't work well there, but do they sing in the CDP!) You haven't heard in your travels the SLP 98 have you?