WARM 5 channel amp - suggestions?

With a budget of $2500 ish (could go more, or happy to save less) but nothing outrageous either direction - if you needed a 5 channel amp what would be your suggestions for an amp. Could be new (based on street prices) or used (I'm open to it if in solid shape).

I DO believe there are sonic differences in amps as I've done enough a/b testing DB matched etc. I don't think differences are great, but I do believe differences exist. I don't need a ton of power (call it 100-150 wpc) and I'm good, but more certainly can't hurt.

The other thing, I'm not real big on fan cooled amps.

A Theta Intrepid is a lot of 5 channel amp for the price. I think new they're going for around $1,800. They run cool no matter how hard they're pushed. I've had mine for around six years and while I've up-graded most everything else, the Intrepid remains.
Butler Audio 5150!! After years with a solid performing Rotel RMB-1095 I too wanted something warmer and purchased this 5 channel tube hybrid amp. Has been a major upgrade to my system. A bit over your price range, but worth every penny in my opinion.
Parasound is an option, you might find the Halo A51 for under 3000. Their lower tier 5250v2 is also an option, although it's recently been discontinued. Audio Advisor has a demo on sale for 2000. These are both 250 watts per channel so they might be too much for some small speakers.
Thanks for the responses. Based on what I have read I thought Parasounds were a bit more neutral to bright?

Would love pass labs, but price and space dictates an all in one amp.

Butler is what I am leaning towards. Interesting that it's even warmer than Rotel? I like the fact it is US built. While I can't find a pre-pro that is US built I trust... I feel I can with an amp. (either a US or Canadian built amp)