Want to update 20 year old LP12/Grace-what arm?

Just got a used LP12 which is allout of allignment but think works ok electronically.Ectremephon told me to just see if I could do adjustments myself but thinking about turning it into a project.He warned me that a basic "tune up" is a waste of money at aound $200 but thinking maybe the cirkus thing for $400 might be worth it.Thoughts?Also I was thinking of replacinfg the old Grace with a RB300.But I have a freind who will give me his AQ PT6 for almost nada.Oppinions ladies/gentleman?

Showing 1 response by newbee

re the grace arm - it was a quality arm at the time and is probably as good today (unless its worn out or damaged). what is improtant is matching the mass of the arm to the compliance of the cartridge, i.e. high compliance cartridge = low mass arm. low compliance cartridge = high mass arm. this will help eliminate subsonic rumble which can screw up the bass. but you knew that.