Want to setup basic home audio system

As the title states, I am looking for advice on the main components required to get a basic home audio system going for under 1k. When I do get to save more money, I am open to add more into the system. For now, what are the basic components of a home audio system that I mainly need to focus on right now? I am not looking to get a home theater setup. ONNLY LOOKING TO GET HOME AUDIO SYSTEM FOR MUSIC

Showing 4 responses by ovinewar

thecarpathian asks the most important question. At that budget, using vinyl as your source is going to really limit your other components. Streaming could be an inexpensive source initially allowing you to put more in speakers and amplification. Also, are you willing to buy used or do any DIYing? How big is the room And how visible can the equipment be are other considerations once you start attempting to determine which components to purchase. 
To start answering your original question, you need a source, amplification, and speakers, as well as cables to connect. 
Are you a buy and leave alone sort or will you be tweaking from now until the end of time? Also, is this the start of a journey that you are committed to spending money on in the future or are you fine with a level of decent sound and willing to just enjoy? Last question from me, I promise, what kind of music do you usually listen to?
By now you have been given tons of great advice. I would add to take your time. Good deals aren’t good deals if you don’t need the component or if they force you to make a significant compromise. For instance, I have a pair of Thiel’s that are beautiful- but they average just above 2 ohms, they are not highly efficient. The sacrifice in owning these is they limit amps that can run them. The message to you is, buy efficient speakers first that also have a musical tendency. Some may not like these, but a set of Klipsch Quartets are available on Seattle CL. Klipsch has a strong fan base- maybe not on Agon, but elsewhere. With slight modifications- put auto soundproofing  material on backside of horns- these can really rock using almost any amp. I think the asking price might be high- but again, these will hold their value and allow you to get a feel for this while enjoying. You can even buy an EBay tube amp to effectively drive these- although I have never heard any of these. A Prima Luna is also on your CL. I have a set of Quartets hooked up to a Vincent SV500 hybrid integrated and they sound fantastic. That Vincent is another good choice as it has tube and SS, as well as an adequate dac. Add in a cheap streamer- Amazon dot recommendation or a Raspberry Pi, and you are set. Please take the brands I mentioned with a grain of salt but focus on the efficiency portion and value. Efficient Speakers that have a rabid following are a good choice initially because they open up your amp choices and allow a cost effective path to upgrade. 
You can get a very good system for 1000-1500 if you choose wisely. Dont walk it up once you set your budget because there is always a step up ad as Carpathian suggest- it never ends. Start basic- speakers, integrated amp, source.