Wall outlets

Hey everyone, don’t kill me I know it’s been talked about a bit. I’m am currently about to upgrade my wall outlet. Commercial vs Audio outlets. The general consensus is commercial hospital outlets would work but they can strip the coating off our nice power cables. I have talked a bit with @audphile1 on this matter. Furutech has my attention. I have considered upgrading my power cable to the Furutech DPS 4.1 cable and get a Furutech outlet with the same finish. A friend of mine is an electrician and has offered to install a new outlet behind my rack. He said I could pay with a case of beer. Haha. Sorry if I started a new 🔥🔥🔥. The forum is fun, there is far more knowledge here than we are going to find anywhere else IMO. Also I finally got my virtual system up for anyone to take a look. Thanks everyone


Showing 3 responses by digsmithd

"As your system evolves and improves, you will find the high frequencies get more refined'...oh yeah.Somebody knows what there doing at furutech.The 28r on up.

Well said audphile1

Yeah i got a great deal on new set 50 r ncf ’s im going to use on source cable just bought as well.Im really quite content but im sure they’ll be replaced by 50’s and life will go on.When people refer 50's to audio jewelry...man they are incredibly built.

The big knockout lately with my wire’s has been audioharma.I gave ic’s 6hr’s a set/daisy chained a freshen up,took some time for them to open back up/up to 2 weeks?... but they are on a whole new level.This is with frybaby/1000 + hrs on them too...shocked and pleased.



"expensive outlet will not fix a voltage potential on the neutral."...Point taken.Doing some reading on this bummin through articles and this is something very overlooked and not talked about near enough.