Wall Mounting Hardware for Acoustic Panels

Does anyone have suggestions for suspending absorptive panels from the wall, and also from a slanted ceiling? I am constructing my own panels from Owens Corning 703 (rigid fiberglass) set within wooden frames and covered with cotton cloth. I need to find some good hardware to mount them on the wall. I've heard some mention of velcro, but don't fully trust it unless I were to hot blue the receiving side onto strips of wood and screw the wood into the wall. Has anyone hung panels to recommend some hardware alternatives?

Thanks, Peter S.

Showing 2 responses by czapp

I just bought a # of panels from RPG, and the came with what they call impaling clips. Basically they are about 4" square flat plates with a # of protruding spikes at 45 degree angles. First you screw them into the wall. Then after determining the desired height, you place the panel one inch above that height. By pressing in and down, the panel is held securely against the wall, perfectly flush. They work brilliantly. If you go to RPG's web site, you can find more info.
Hi Peter
My panels are 2' x 6'. I used 6 per panel, but I probably could have gotten away with 4. For my ceiling panels - which are 2' x 2' x 4" deep and a bit heavier, I used the z clips. Basically, RPG installed 2 on the back side of the panels, and I put the other two on the ceiling. Then you slide the panel in place. It's a little tricky in terms of getting panels to line up perfectly, but if you are careful, and leave a little play in the clips, it works really well.
Good Luck