Walker Valid Points or Mapleshade Footers for preamp?

I am looking for place some brass cones under a tube preamp. Is one product better then another for this purposes or does this matter more equipment with more moving parts?

Showing 1 response by rushton

I can't offer a comparison of the Mapleshade to Walker Audio products, I've never taken time to make the comparison. But, I consistently use the Walker Audio Valid Points and Resonance Control Discs ("pucks") in our system here to very positive effect and would not like to do without them. I have gradually added Valid Points under most components here with a very noticeable sonic improvement:

...under the Eidolon speakers (replacing the stock spikes);
...under the motor controller for the turntable;
...under the tube phono stage/preamp;
...under the tube monoblock amps;
...under the maple amp stands on which the tube monoblock amps sit (on their own points and pucks).

Would some other device be as effective, or possible more effective? Perhaps. I've never done the comparative listening. But, of what I'm very convinced is that the Walker Audio Valid Points and Resonance Control Discs are effective, make a very audible improvement in our system here, and don't create any adverse effects. (Full Disclosure: I'm a delighted and committed Walker Audio Proscenium Turntable owner and use a variety of Lloyd's products which all do exactly what he describes they will do.)