WAF - Wife Acceptance Factor

Much has been written in these threads about the dreaded WAF, or wife acceptance factor. It usually entails making a compromise, or not getting that perfect speaker, or amp, or ... Well you get the picture.

But tell the truth guys. Haven't there been times when wifey actually helped?

In my case, I casually mentioned to my wife that the picture quality of my front projector would be much improved if I could better cotrol the light in the den. So what did she do?

She put up nice thick curtains. It not only blocks the light and makes the den like a cave, it also improves the diffuse surround sound field with the absorptive material. What a gal!

Would love to hear your stories. :o)

Showing 4 responses by mount_rose_music

I would divorce your sister-in-law. My bedroom has all kind of frilly crap, 18 pillows, I have 1/4 of the closet, and she has totally invaded my office, and wife and the designer put my Wayne Gretsky/Gordie Howe autographed pic in my office bathroom. I have zero kitchen privileges, all acceptable tradeoffs to get my MBLs in the living room. Some things just ain't worth compromising:)
ohhh one other thing. I don't tell my wife what the equipment costs, but, I never ask what she does with HER paycheck...seems to work for us
Dapom, yes they are. Her feeling is that I work my butt off, I take care of her, I get speakers. Although, she was so not crazy about the new 9011's..that is..until I played her some Elton John on it.. now the "coffins" are just fine:)