Wadia Upgrades

Has anyone had experience with Steve Huntley's Reference Upgrade for the Wadia 850?
I emailed and called Great Northern twice to inquire and buy the upgrade for my Wadia 850. No response in either case. I'm nervous sending my 5K cd playing in to someone who won't return a phone call/email when someone is willing to spend money with them. Have you had any response?
WHILE WITH WADIA STEVE WAS ONE OF THE MOST CREDIBLE MFGS.THAT I had the pleasure of talking to his advice was always right on the money.I am about to send him my wadia 20 to be serviced
With full understanding that this forum is designed to be a place where participants can freely speak their minds, I ask your patience and understanding as I make one comment that I feel is in the best interest of all Wadia product owners. This is not a sales pitch, it's a one time clarification and then i'm done, this is YOUR forum. My name is Steve Huntley and I own/operate Great Northern Sound Company, and since the closing of Wadia on August 15th, I have been doing my absolute best to help the owners of Wadia products that have service related problems get them resolved. Unfortunatly in this process, I have not been able to get back with every single inquiry about the upgrades we offer. On behalf of the people who own Wadias assets and myself, I have been supporting dealers, distributors, and end-users all over the world with Wadia repair and support services, and the demands on my time have been beyond belief. I simply think that it's the right thing to do to take care of people first that I have made commitments to already, and then help people with units that dont work properly before moving on to upgrades. Beleive me, I would rather be doing upgrades. I just ask for your understanding during this time. The one piece of equipment I don't have is a time stretcher. If anyone has not received a reply from us (the vast majority of the hundreds of inquirys have been responded to), please give us the opportunity to respond again. You are important to us and deserve a reply. Thank You ! Steve Huntley
I, too, recently inquired about getting my Wadia 850 modified by Great Northern Sound. While Steve did not get ack to me the same day I had originally emailed, the following day I had an email waiting apologising for the delay in getting back to me. Not only was the email timely, but he offered additional information that I was unaware of, relative to another level of upgrade that he could offer. It gives one great comfort knowing while Wadia is having financial difficulties, that there is a consciencious professional who is more than willing to not only to offer advice, but also repair and modify expensive equipment. There is no doubt in my mind that my 850 will be sent off to Steve Huntley in the near future, knowing that it will be in good hands and that it will comeback sounding better than ever!!
I support UCmgr's post. I too have been in regular correspondence by e-mail with Steve. He has responded to each of my e-mails in a timely manner. I too fully intend to send my Wadia 850 to him. The purpose of my original post was not to seek comments on Steve's reliability or integrity, but rather on the sonic characteristics of the upgrade. I regret the resulting confusion.