Wadia Upgrades

Has anyone had experience with Steve Huntley's Reference Upgrade for the Wadia 850?

Showing 3 responses by jfrech

I emailed and called Great Northern twice to inquire and buy the upgrade for my Wadia 850. No response in either case. I'm nervous sending my 5K cd playing in to someone who won't return a phone call/email when someone is willing to spend money with them. Have you had any response?
Ok, I can understand that reason. I just wish someone would have called or sent a reply email and said we're busy because of Wadia's current financial situation. I love my 850, the biggest thing I'm mad about is that I didn't go ahead and buy the 860 2 years ago! I'll send another note and try again. Thanks for everyone for giving their opinions.
Sorry I didn't mean to bash Steve, I was just surprised by no response. We have traded a few emails now, and he is updating my 850 in 2 weeks. I can't wait to hear the diff. I went with the ref mod for $1500.