Wadia 860SE or Wadia 27ix/270 Combo?

Hello everyone,

I own the Wadia 860x for a while now, I was thinking to go with the new upgrade which is the SE upgrade and also with the Great Northern Sound Statement upgrade (GNS) around 4K or I should sell my Wadia 860x and go with the Wadia 27ix/270 combo.

What did you guys think about this?

Please any opinions.

Thank You!
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Showing 1 response by aida_w

Depending on the size of your CD collection I would suggest you go for the 270/27 solution and you can alway modify THIS combo later. That's exactly what I did, being not interested in any new formats at all owning 4000 CDs and counting. I agree to Rtn1 re the tweaks which actually can shoot a Wadia to the stars. Try the PS-Audio PS300 PowerPlant with the new MultiWave upgrade for example. It's simply unbelievable what this can do for the 270/27 combo. I would not spend four digit numbers on mains cables, though. Go for the DIY Belden instead - I compared that to the Shunyata and others. The PS-Audio does make much more of a jump ahead. So in short terms: if you rely on the CD format go for the Wadia combo and you're "high end", in the word's sense.
Good luck!