Wadia 581i using as a pre any good

I am in the market for a new player and this unit has peaked my interest mainly because being able to remove a pre-amp out of my set-up. This is a second system so I only have two sources, the actual cd source and a McIntosh 300 Music Server that I make use of for back ground music which could be connected into the Wadia via digital. This would be a very simple set-up but my concern is what am I going to loose in sound quality over all doing this. I have experimented in the past with other units and have always gone back to using a good pre. usually tube.

I am after the best sound possible over all, stage, dynamics,vocals, holographic presence and I can go on.

What I seem to mainly loose when not using a good pre is that feeling of a actual holographic presence with body and flesh tone which just involves me.

Presently in this set-up is a ARC Ref3 pre, ARC cd3 MK2, McIntosh 300, McIntosh 501 mono blocks, Eggleston Andra 2 speakers, cable Virtual Dynamics balanced.

I do have coming a Supratek Sauvigon line stage which I have been told is suppose to be better than the ARC Ref3 pre.in many ways, I will find out for myself if it's all hype or an actual fact.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
Why don't you see if you can audition a North American Products P12R H-Cat preamp and you will see what realism is all about. Check their website at www.H-Cat.com. Believe me friend, it is unbelievably real sounding. You have been dropping big bucks in your system. Find an H-Cat dealer and try to audition one. You won't be sorry you did.

Hi Soundlock if you go to my "Answers" you will see my threads. I did inquire about this pre but have now given up and moved forward. If you review my threads in the answered section you will see why. To date no one has contacted me nor have they answered my questions, even Roger himself did not answer my questions back in the thread so I have moved forward. The supposive dealer close to me I believe is a fictitious one.

Thanks anyways
I have a Wadia 861xi. My experience is the same as yours: it looses coherence without a very good pre to match it with the rest of the system.
Dev, why don't you get off your butt and go hear one? There is no reason for Roger to answer your ill-conceived questions.
>> 02-28-07: The_smokester
>> I have a Wadia 861xi. My experience is the same as
>> yours: it looses coherence without a very good pre to
>> match it with the rest of the system.

Hi The_smokester,
I have an 861SE modified by GNSC & I also had the very same experience as you have had re. the Wadia losing it w/o a decent preamp. At that time I was using TARA Labs Master Gen 2 cables. I love the TARA Labs cables - no complaints whatsoever.
However, I got the upgrade bug & switched over to Virtual Dynamics cables. I use their entry level type interconnects - David & Nite 2.
I can tell you that I've now had to eat my words!!
The sound of the Wadia with the Virtual Dynamics David or Nite 2 interconnects from the Wadia DIRECTLY to power amp is simply fantastic. The Wadia preamp does not sound shitty anymore. You can search the A'gon archives & see for yourself several posts of mine wherein I stated the Wadia preamp was shitty sounding. With these David & Nite 2 cables, that is no more the case. There is something about these cables that allows the Wadia preamp to drive the power amp input much more effectively.

From my experience, thus, what I concluded was that most cables are unable to effectively drive the power amp input & that it was less of the Wadia preamp quality & more of the interconnect ability. I know that it is just data point BUT all I did was change the interconnect. I used the same TARA Labs Master Gen 2 speaker cables, I had exactly the same electronics in the entire chain & exactly the same speakers.
You have discovered the importance of impedance matching. One of the things I love about the MIT Magnum MA interconnects is the variable impedance. While I know which will sound best, I always like to try out all the settings to make sure the reality matches the theory and if I ever switch out any components I don't have to buy new cables.

As to driving amps direct with a Wadia, you're grossly oversimplifying both ends of the issue. The Wadia preamp section has never been "shi**y", in fact it's comparable to any decent preamp and much better than low end preamps. But cables or not, the Wadia direct can't touch a high end preamp in the chain. Direct is a great option to have but it's not a high end solution, never has been and never will be.
From my experience, each amp I tried, added different signature to the sound, whether is was SS or Tubes.
Once you get used to it, driving the amps directly is the way to go (for my ears). Wadia has done an exceptional job with their volume control and adding a preamp just doesn't cut it for me.
>> 07-11-07: Bar81
>> The Wadia preamp section has never been "shi**y",
correct! Now I know that it is as you said "in fact it's comparable to any decent preamp and much better than low end preamps". Not having the correct interconnect employed caused an incorrect conclusion.

>> But cables or not, the Wadia direct can't touch a high
>> end preamp in the chain.
Maybe so! I, however, do not have a firm opinion on this. I only listened briefly & the listening was not critical either. However, the differences in sound using the 2 interconnect cables was SO dramatic that I could easily hear that the Virtual Dyn cables were doing a better job (when they were used to connect the Wadia direct to the power amps).

>> Direct is a great option to have but it's not a high
>> end solution, never has been and never will be.
I never did compare my setup with & without my preamp in a critical listening session or sessions hence do not have a firm opinion on this.