wadia 581, accuphase dp75, aero capital mkII, Mbl

I'm looking for a new CD player to replace my ayre cx7. In my system the ayre sounds a bit forward and cold, and am looking for more of a warm analogue like sound. Anyone familiar with the relative "sound" of accuphase, wadia, aero, and mbl? These seem to be all highly regarded players, but I'm wondering which will give me the sound I want while preserving nuance, soundstage, imaging and bass which are very important to me. Any thoughts? Thanks

Showing 1 response by elberoth2

MBL 1531 has the EXACT qualities that you are looking for. It is a superb player. I got one after trying in my system AA Capitole Reference, AA Capitole Reference SE, AA SACD Prestige SE and EMM Labs DCC2/CDSD (non Signature combo).