Waaaah. Snapped off my cantilever.

Today I bumped the needle of my Dynavector XX-2 MkII, it's a big bucks cartridge for me, I've only had it about six months, and 2 of those months I couldn't use it because my pre-amp was in for re-tubing.

Makes me understand why some stick with CD's/Downloads and solid state equipment.

Looks like Soundsmith is the way to go to repair it, but please do chime in if you have any other recommendations. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by wrm57

Darkj, that's a serious bummer. I can sympathize because I did the same to a Dynavector ten years ago. Mike Pranka, the US distributor, took pity on me and replaced the cartridge at dealer cost. It was a kind of "leniency for boneheads" policy, and I qualified. Might be worth checking into.