Waaaah. Snapped off my cantilever.

Today I bumped the needle of my Dynavector XX-2 MkII, it's a big bucks cartridge for me, I've only had it about six months, and 2 of those months I couldn't use it because my pre-amp was in for re-tubing.

Makes me understand why some stick with CD's/Downloads and solid state equipment.

Looks like Soundsmith is the way to go to repair it, but please do chime in if you have any other recommendations. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by islandmandan

I just got my XX2MKII back from Soundsmith, where I had their best retip done. Without a doubt, it is a much better sounding cartridge now than even when it was new.

As Peter said, there is a long turnaround with Soundsmith (three months), but, in the end, you'll have an even better cartridge. I haven't tried Andy Chong for retipping, but it might be a better alternative for you, since you wouldn't have to wait so long.

Good luck,
I recall the amount for a factory repair of an XX2MKII was $975, but that was a couple of years ago. I can't see any reason to spend that much, when the end result for a SS retip is a better sounding cartridge than the factory retip.
