Let me first tell you that I am in no way associated with the manufacturer or have even met him in my life I am neither a reviewer nor a judge of the product it is just my thoughts on the product when I installed it in my setup and the resultant effect.

My journey started a long time ago with an AVR for movies I was never into 2 channel music but one day I visited a dealer in India who was showing his setup with 2 channel which fascinated me it felt as if the musician were there present in the room and I got sucked into 2 channel, since then I have swapped many pieces of equipment and I could never feel the emotional connection with the sound it made I was never satisfied or could get the feeling of the musicians in the room effect.

My star sign is a Virgo the nature  of whom is that they always  strive for perfection so the hunt went on and on changing amps, Pres, source, etc. etc.

My current setup is now as given below

Canary Amps M600 Monos 300B tubes with C1800 preamp modified with Rike caps.

The source is a CD transport and DAC being the Ypsilon DAC100 a non upsampling DAC with 1704 chip

Speakers are the ASCENDO top of the line M5 S SE with external crossover.

I had all this equipment attached to a particular brand of cables with silver conductors which were not just good but very good in terms of all the jargons we audiophile use but yet I was not satisfied with the performance of the whole setup.

Doing a lot of research on the internet I came across the company which belongs to Mr.ENRICO DATTI by the name VYDA from Italy which only manufactures cables and that too just for four places in the setup and with one name ORION the four-place being the Power cable, the Analog Interconnects RCA or XLR, the Digital cable and last the Speaker Cable with his own end fittings manufactured by him to his own specification in house by him, no furutech, Cardas ETC here, he does not have any kind of hierarchy on his cables like other manufacturers like good, better or best.

I think he believes in one model cable which is the BEST period; coming to this company I contacted Mr. Enrico Datti who over a period of the discussion turned out to be one of the most polite and thoroughbred gentlemen who also told me that his cables are also used exclusively by VEGER turntables. I being in India, where not many dealers are here, to try and test the products of your choice in your environment always have to buy blind or on someone’s recommendations or reviews.

I took the leap of faith and ordered one Interconnect RCA and one pair of Speaker cables from VYDA they arrived in a black box and when I opened the box I could not believe how beautiful they looked and the craftsmanship done on them but then beauty is skin deep I was more concerned on the sound it would make so I installed these cables into my setup and they sounded promising and wonderful from the beginning I have only done 4 hours on them and they are already shocking me up, according to Enrico Datti it should take at least 100 hours and the conductors to form direction before they tell me the true picture.

I for one can only say that if these two cables can shock me to this extent what is gonna happen when he supplies me with the power cords and another RCA to run from PRE to AMP though my budget is thin I hope Enrico will be kind enough to send these cables for further evaluation and I could share my experience here on the forum where I now feel these are just not cables but is another component to tie up your setup for musical bliss

Shall report back once the cables have properly settled and burned in for further conclusion on the same so it can help other audiophile friends to be qued into that direction and enjoy music to the fullest of their setup potential.


Here I am once again with the 50-hour burning of the VYDA cable in my system and how it changed my listening experience, Initial experience on installation was promising and on 50 hours it kept more than what it promised the cables just started to bloom like a flower showing its beauty on a shy note as I expect more after the 100-hour burnin(as stated by Enrico the designer of these cables) to show its full bloom.

All the aspect of what is expected from a component, yes I would like to call it a component as it does nothing to the signal but attaches all your equipment in one piece

The jargons which we audiophile generally use like good highs, taut bass, a clean midrange, and midbass all were there present I not being a professional reviewer can only say this that I was in the lap of music in the true sense, there was freedom and no compression in the sound it felt completely detached from the speakers and surrounded you in just music.

After hearing what these “component” (cables) can do I have jumped the gun and asked ENRICO to send me one more interconnect and two power cables which he being so sweet has put them in the mail for me

I shall come back again when the cables have arrived and done the required 100 hours to let you know that they are the true deal in high end audio for people who love music as much as I do.