Vu Jade Audio at Capital AudioFest

Many of you know Peter - Bigkidz here on Audiogon who builds audio components. I actually own one of his direct heated triode DACs. In speaking with him the other day, he told me that his DAC will be featured in the GT Audio Works room system, in the Frederick Room. He told me that it was a last minute opportunity and that he has not actually heard the system himself. He is not sure if he can even attend but as a fellow audiogonner, I wanted to spread the word for him for those of you who may be attending the show. I have had his DAC in my system for over two years now and I still cannot believe how my system sounds. It does everything he told me it would do. Completely non-digital sounding. Truly amazing. Anyway stop in and see how it sounds, I know he will appreciate it even if he is not there personally.


He did not purchase Vu Jade Equipment.  He purchased Vandersteen speakers that I was selling.



You came to my home twice to audition the speakers. You decided to purchase them at almost half of my asking price. After seven months, that is correct, 7 months and you text me to say that you did not get the Vandersteen branded filters. The filters you received as I told you were custom made filters using better parts quality then the Vandersteen filters. I showed you the filters, pointed out that they needed to be set to match your amp, gave you the manual and helped you load them into your vehicle. I told you that if you needed any help setting things up to call me. Again, seven months later you send me a text to say, hey these are not Vandersteen filters. I text you back almost immediately and ask what you want me to do. You say I want the Vandersteen branded filters or I want to return them. I tell you to return them. You never did return them. So you tell me you are going to sue me. We go to small claims court and you try to say that you purchased brand new Vandersteen filters and you want me to pay for them a little over $1300. You would not have received brand new Vandersteen filters with the purchase of used speakers that are twenty years old. You negotiated the purchase price on my speakers based upon you seeing and hearing them in my home. The same filters were used for you to audition them as I do not own Vandersteen branded filters. The filters were built and compared to a friends Vandersteen branded filters and the ones you received were significantly better sounding period. They are point-to-point wired so no crummy circuit board to break, they use Amtrans resistors and have Clarity caps installed where Vandersteen uses WIMA cheap capacitors. They are the same parts values as the Vandersteen branded filters only much better parts quality.

So we go to small claims court this past week. You tell the judge that you did not return them because that would require special equipment. WOW really? We used a hand truck to get them from my door, down my driveway and into your vehicle. That is sure special equipment. You want to settle the case by me taking back the speakers now. Sorry you had your chance to do so but you wanted me to come and get them. You tell the judge that you purchased the speakers because of my reputation and feedback. 100 percent everywhere. I can take your negative feedback off of Audiogon because I sent them the court judgement and they agreed that since you paid cash and the sale was seven month ago you do not get to return the speakers. I left the negative feedback on Audiogon because that is how much I am trusted on this site.

Now you are trying to discredit me again. The guy who came to my home and who posted this thread asked Audiogon to take your post off because he knows all about the sale.

The funny thing is that when he came to my home to hear the equipment my partner and I manufacturer, he was floored by the sound. It was exactly what you heard before my CDP and amp broke you did not get to hear the full potential but you heard the system and after two visits purchased the speakers. In court you said it came down to two Vandersteen speakers but the other ones did not come with the filters. Yep, those speakers were selling for over $6,000 and you got the ones that I sold to you for one third the price.

Since you posted here, look at CAF links where our products won best of show. So know that the filters were used at one of the shows also.

You take me to court and the judge decides that your claim is not warranted and he awards the judgement to me. So you lost in court. You then threaten to take me to civil court. And now you pull this crap to try to discredit me again. I emailed Audiogon so that your post on this thread stays up along with mine. You got a great pair of speakers below the price that you will find them anywhere else. If you are so bent on getting Vandersteen filters, there are plenty for sales used all the time. But beware, they will not sound better. Even ask Richard Vandersteen if after twenty years if the filters are better sounding then the ones that are twenty years ago. He will tell you that you will have to compare them for yourself to see if they make a difference, so he does not even know if the newer versions are better. Probably because the filters are still using WIMA capacitors and cheap resistors. Parts costs are about $128 from Parts Connexion without the cable or box!

The only difference between you and me is that I have the balls to let you know that I commented about you.

So in summary, EVERYONE HERE VIEWING THIS THREAD, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT do business with a016547 ever, and I mean ever. He will try to discredit you and if he does not get his way, he will then take you to court and post on threads without you knowing that he is doing this to discredit you.

Enjoy the speakers A-Hole!
@a016547   Since you made the above statement , what specifcally was misrepresented. etc. etc. etc.?
Buyer beware when buying used equipment from Peter. He misrepresents his equipment.  Be thorough and make sure you fully know the details of his products.
I’ll echo what danet2 says about Pete and Karls DHT Dac.

The "way you always wanted" your music to sound like.

One example, I can play Rock music at high or low volume and it remains completely intelligible with all the audio adjectives included within the soundscape, anyone with a good set of ears knows it when they here it.

I’ve had the Dac for over a year now, that’s why I haven’t posted on the forums in a long while, I’ve been listening instead.

Contact Peter and Karl for an audition, you’ll fall heavy for it in less than 20 seconds, no kidding.

As a follow-up to my Vu Jade Audio at the Capital AudioFest this past weekend:


The GT Audio Works room was one of the rooms that received recognition for one of the best of show at the Capital AudioFest by Todd Anderson from AV Nirvana.


Congratulations to Peter and his partner Karl at Vu Jade Audio and Greg and Steve at GT Audio Works!





I’m feeling a tad impatient today, so I’m flipping the standard script and kicking things off with my favorite find at CAF 2017. Mind you, the word “best” is loaded with subjectivism and caveats, especially when it comes to sound. But for my money, GT Audio Works and its magnificent GTA3R Planar/Ribbon Speakers ($12,000/pair), which were matched with Sound Insight’s dual SI 600 Open Baffle Subwoofers ($17,000), graciously slid into home for the win.

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing GT Audio Works’ Greg Takes for several years, first meeting him as he demoed his GTA2.5 speakers at CAF several moons ago. Take one look into the man’s eyes and you can see both audio passion and total sincerity. And take one listen to his handmade large-panel creations, and you’ll be left stunned with amazement.

Takesh’s six-foot tall GTA3R utilizes a full range planar driver (72-in x 10-in) and an accompanying ribbon tweeter (72-in x ½-in) to deliver playback from 40Hz – 30kHz with amazing efficiency (92 dB). And when paired with dual Sound Insight SI 600 open baffle subwoofers (six 12” drivers each, performance to 16Hz), the system’s articulate punch and depth is downright ridiculous.

This entire system (speakers and subs) can be purchased for $29K, making it a relative bargain when compared to its high-end competition. By my math, the speakers' supporting cast of Pass Labs pre-amps and monoblocks (not to mention Triode Wire Labs power cords, cables, and interconnects, an Esoteric K01x SACD player, an Acoustic Signature Triple X Turntable, and a Vu Jade Audio tubed DAC ) pushed the room’s total system value just south of $200K. But I wouldn’t be surprised to find that more budget oriented buyers could purchase the GTA3Rs separately and usher wickedly beautiful sound into their homes for significantly less.

The GTA3R is built to order, which means the speaker’s wood and finish are all customizable. Considering that it essentially looks like a wood framed cloth panel (high quality craftsmanship, mind you), the speaker is somewhat unremarkable in its appearance. But its sound (oh that AMAZING sound) is what you’re paying for. And let me tell you, they sound stunningly beautiful, presenting a massive and highly detailed soundstage that’s punctuated by serious depth.

And clarity? It’s all there, folks.

Clarity, balance, and natural tonality.

This speaker is, bar none, the best speaker you’ve never heard, and I challenge anyone to find another $12,000 speaker that can touch its class.

Bold words? Yes.

But my ears have fallen in love with GT Audio Work’s creations and this year’s showing at CAF was simply spectacular. Do yourself a favor: visit Greg Takesh (or his Long Island, NY dealer: Sound Insight High End Audio) for a private demo. And if you live outside the New York area, read his website’s offer for guests that need to fly to his location (it takes the notion of rolling out the red carpet to an entirely new level).



Note that the Vu Jade Audio Direct Heated Triode DAC was demonstrated with an Esoteric $27K CD player as the transport in the system. Must have been a good reason for using that DAC in the system. The GT Audio Works Team would also agree that the Vu Jade DAC is something really special. I know that they offer a 14 day in-home trial period.


Here is a link to the report:



Here is a link to a You Tube video: