VTL 5.5: which cartridges?

I'm an happy owner of a VTL 5.5 with phono stage and I think that it's the time to replace my old cartridge (Ortofon Kontrapunkt B 0,47 mv). I was thinking about a Benz Ruby H (0,8 mv) to improve the S/N and dynamics. Any suggestions? My turntable is a Linn LP12/Lingo/Ekos.

Showing 1 response by ncarv

I have the 5.5 and the LP12/Lingo/Ekos and have been using Dynavector cartridges. I started with a high-output 10x4 and enjoyed it so much I moved up to the low-ouput XX-2.
Last December, I took the table to an audio store to take advantage of a free TT tuneup by Linn reps from the old country. After the work was finished, the owner of the store listened to the table with the XX-2 and was very favorable impressed. I know this by what he did, not just by what he said. I was ready to leave, but he asked me to hold on for a bit because he had not heard a Linn with a Dynavector and then kept commenting on the dynamics and the wide soundstage.
Obviously, one's taste comes into play, and I have not experimented with other cartridges, but I am very pleased with the Dynavectors I have tried, either one of them.