VTF gauge

Trying to find a VTF gauge that had the measuring pad at the height of the album. Measuring VTF at the exact height of the album is critical. I have looked at numerous scales on line and none of them clearly states the height of the measuring pad. Can anyone recommend a scale that puts the measuring pad at the height of the album?


Showing 1 response by fsellet

Don't waste your money. Measuring at the exact height of the album is not critical. What is critical is that you can make accurate measurements repeatedly. The manufacturer provides a VTF range  because each sample might vary slightly for any given model. You need to find out the VTF that works for yours in your system, with your preferences. Start with the median of the recommended range and move up of down. 0.1 or 0.2 g make a difference. To do that accurately, your scale needs to be on the same surface  (i.e. at the same height) each time you measure.