For the longest time I thought the 901 stylus shape was peculiar too. But in fact it simply has a tendency to rapidly build up crud where the stylus meets the underside of the cantilever. Properly cleaned you can see that it's shaped like a sharp V when viewed from the side. The contact lines pretty nearly bisect the V.
It does need a good set of eyes to see this. A wide angle lens for a 35mm camera makes an excellent magnifier, I use my partner's 28mm Canon lens and it works great. Take the lens off and look through the outer end, with the film end of the lens aimed at the stylus.
Of course setting by ear is what you must do in the end anyway, so ignore all the above!
It does need a good set of eyes to see this. A wide angle lens for a 35mm camera makes an excellent magnifier, I use my partner's 28mm Canon lens and it works great. Take the lens off and look through the outer end, with the film end of the lens aimed at the stylus.
Of course setting by ear is what you must do in the end anyway, so ignore all the above!