Vpi vs. TW Acustic

My analog rig consists of a VPI Aries I, Triplanar, and Benz LP. My SoCal dealer suggests the Grand Prix Monaco TT should be my next move. However I don't have that kind of moola lying around and just try finding a used one. It ain't happening. So, would the TW Raven One be a big improvement over the the Aries or too much of a sideways move? And without the opportunity to audition, too risky?

Showing 1 response by lewm

Sirspeedy et al, I do see SS's point. There IS a lot of unsubstantiated hype in today's market place, but there are also some great products. Like Mosin, I would feel more convinced of Sirspeedy's specific contention regarding the Raven (which one, for example?) vs VPI and Sota, if he were to cite his specific reasons. However, it is also true that once one has spent big bucks, it is darn near impossible to have a truly objective opinion about the item one has paid so much money for, unless it has been a total disaster. So this is definitely not a knock on Sirspeedy.