VPI traveller vs Project rm5.1 vs second hand VPI?

I'm building my Hifi system and have decided to go with a turntable source. Im looking to spend around $1000 - 1500 and the choices are bewildering. So far VPI seems to have the best reputation (atleast on the net). I'm willing to get a second hand system but am leery about have to tinker too much with it. I would really prefer something I could start playing and enjoy with minimum fuss. Any help or input would be greatly appreciated. Please help this newbie out...I've already bought my first LP and I don't even have a TT yet!

Thanks in advance.
PS: I am also looking into amps (around $500) and speakers (< $1000) that would match the TT, any ideas? I would probably buy both second hand to keep costs down and still get a decent enough system.

Showing 1 response by grinnell

I had a project Xpression. nice TT but the HW-19 mk iv blew it away. Don't no about the Pro-ject RM 5.1 but VPI makes solid tables.

If i was buying new i would go for the Traveler. If used an HW-19 mk iii or iv.