The only other table I'm lusting for is a Garrard 401 or Thorens TD-124 Mk.2. I had a TD-125 back in the mid-70's (with an SME 3009 mounted on it), and had nothing but trouble with it.
@ozzy62: I too have an Aries (the original version, bone stock) in addition to a highly modified HW-19. They’re both available (no, not mine 😉) at very modest cost. And I agree, the Aries is indeed sexy looking.
My other table is a Townshend Audio Elite Rock, which I will NEVER sell. In contrast, it's looks are, um, "purposeful". 😉
A Kuzma Stogi Ref on a VPI HW-19 makes for a real nice turntable. Even better if you replace the stock platter with the one included on the TNT-5, a 1.5" thick slab of stainless steel and Delrin weighing about 15lbs. You can also replace the base-mounted motor with the VPI SAMA---stand alone motor.
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