VPI Super Scoutmaster Cartridge ?

I was looking for suggestions on what cartridge would work well with a Super Scoutmaster, non rim drive table. I will be mating this to a Modwright SWP 9.0se tubed phono stage.

Any suggestions would be welcomed. I am getting back into vinyl after a 25 year absense and just need to get a cartridge to have things up and running.
I'm presently using a Denon DL-304 with the JMW9 arm on my Scout with very good results.
Regards, Sam
Hi and Happy New Year! I own the VPI Classic. Not sure about your budget. But based on my experience, I can endorse Dynavector and the Sound Smith VPI Zephyr. I have read many success stories with the Benz LPS, but it's a $5K carty.

My only caution is that even though VPI will "officially" tell you that the JMW unstabilized uni-pivot can match well with pretty much any carty on the market, that was not my experience. Pull my threads to check my history. My advice is stick with you know works - check the other member's threads. But, I own the DV 20X H and the Zephyr and they do work!
Dynavector DV-XX2. The JMW tone arms mate well with dynavectors and the xx2 is 95 percent as good as dynavectors' best MC cartridge at more than half the price.