VPI Scout "tweaks"

My analog rig consists of a Scout with JMW-9, Dynavector 10X5, SDS, Sutherland Ph3d, VPI turntable IC, and Gingko Cloud 9. I have the geometry set via MintLP. The rest of my system is comprised of Vandersteen 2Ce sigs, Rogue Magnum 66, Anthem MCA-20 and Audioquest Diamondback IC's and Bedrock speaker cables.
It sounds really good so my question is...are there any upgrades/tweaks that will make a definitive improvement, short of buying a new table? I have about $1k to spend. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by islandmandan

With the improvement you've made via the new feet, (by the way, I'm considering doing the same), if you install the $95 Mapleshade NanoMount tweak that uses miniature directional cones between cartridge/headshell, and tonearm/pinth flange, you will fully realize the advantage the new feet have given you. This product drains vibration away from the cartridge, into the arm, and then to the plinth. I proved this to myself when first I installed the NanoMounts, and was surprised at how little effect they had. Then I remembered I had sorbothane dampers under the VPI feet, and after I removed them, the difference was startling. Can't recommend it strongly enough.
