VPI Scout or GEM Dandy PolyTable

Currently I have a Thorens TD-150 with a Rega RB-202 tonearm and 2M Bronze cart.
It is a great setup, but for 2017 I would like to upgrade my TT. Currently I am looking at either the VPI Scout or the GEM Dandy PolyTable with Jelco SA-750D Tonearm.

The PolyTable clocks in at $1795.
The VPI Scout clocks in at $2199.


Be interested to hear what everyone thinks.



Showing 4 responses by raymonda

I would upgrade and modify the 150 and you'll have a table that will be as good and maybe better than both. However, if you must part it either table is nice and should be auditioned. 

Btw, f you want to sell your 150, contact me.

Use a stand that you can bolt to the wall. Rega makes a nice one. Also, changing out your tone arm for a better one will go a long way towards improving your sound.

Jelco and Rega work well and will fit the size of your arm board. You'll need to replace your arm board with a new one to drill it for a proper fit.


If you can wedge something between your stand and wall to give it a secondary place to rest against it will stabilize it further.

It sounds like you have done a nice job of modding and updating your table. A bit of dynamat placed on the chassis would be the next logical move. Correct me, but I don't think you can't adjust the VTA with the 202? If you find a 250 you can get a Michell VTA system, which is not expensive.

Also, upgrade the tone arm cable would be a good idea.

You are about 85% as far as you can go with the table. Might as well go the rest of the way. 

If your VTA is good you can just shim it in the future, if you replace the cartridge. The rewiring is another smart move on your part.