VPI Scout 2 vs. Luxman PD 441

I'm on the fence about just selling my Luxman PD 441 table as I need to upgrade the tonearm from a Denon DA-307 and that seems to be a $1,000+ proposition.
I would replace it with something from VPI and keep my Grado The Reference high output cartridge.  Maybe a Scout 2 with JMW 9 arm?
My question is whether it is worth it for me to upgrade to a better arm for the Luxman or just ditch the whole thing and get a VPI?
Can I even get any $ for the Luxman to soften the blow?
Thanks for any advice.


Showing 2 responses by asa

Long dead thread, but here it goes...I'm a picker and just picked up a 441 with RF 64s on it, an RF MC 201 cartridge mounted. I have to take a a bit closer look on condition when it gets here, but it looks quite nice...whoever was the original owner loved this thing. I have a Garrard 301/SME 3012-R Pro and a TNT3.5/Graham 2.0 (that I'm going to sell...) so looking forward to adding this. Paid $1400 for TT/arm combo...can't go much wrong there, I would think. It looks like fun. That said, always thought the Lux pd-444 was just about the coolest MCM thing ever. Sell the 441, pick up a 444 & mate it with the FR 64S, or just stand pat, enjoy the ride? 

Thanks, R, Yeah, I saw the 444 was the two-arm version after I poked around some more. Duh....

But - and here's my audio shallowness showing through again - that 444 sure is cool looking....

R, you know a lot, what do you think of the 441/444 performance? Or is it just nostalgia for something that is long gone, or long surpassed?

Thanks, M.