VPI Scout 2 Tonearm

I have an old Scout 2 TT with a JMW-9 unipivot arm and I will like to experiment with a different arm other than the VPI lineup. Any recommendations for an arm that will easily fit on the Scout 2?


Hi @melm. Basically, I am looking for the experience of installing an arm.  It is one thing I haven't done in my audio journey of many years. 

What are you looking to gain with a different arm?

Have you considered the dual pivot accessory for your present arm?

There are always used arms, and just sifting through them for 222mm will make it easy.

@holmz thank you for the suggestion but out of my budget.  This beautiful arm cost more than the turntable when new.

I recall VPI using a 222mm Spindle-to-Pivot distance, same as Rega and several others.