VPI or Basis?

Any thoughts about the merits of VIP Hot Rod versus topline Basis? I'm using an ARC Ref. phono stage, Magnepan speakers.

Showing 1 response by tfta

Hey Gladstone:

What a tough spot to be in :~)

I find it interesting that some people are so argumentative/opinionated about the two tables as both are excellent. Do you prefer steak or lobster?, blonds or brunettes? If someone prefers a redhead does that mean you will too? But since you asked... I give the VPI the nod for value. The HR is $8k with 12.5 arm, flywheel and SDS motor controller. I disagree that the suspension is ANY different to live with than the Basis and agree that the grounding points are a nice and practical touch. My favorite though, is the elimination of the arm board. The system ain't cheap, but it's a steal!

Enjoy whichever you choose.
