VPI Flywheel or Fishing Rod Wire on Aries Motor?

I realize that VPI has some other upgrades that may be better than the integrated motor/flywheel, such as SDS and the ring clamp. Assuming that an owner already has these (I'm planning on getting them), how significant an upgrade is the flywheel? I have not seem much emphasis on this product from dealers. Is this, perhaps, an unsuccessful upgrade? One downside, it makes for a larger footrprint table, making it extend beyond most typical equipment racks...this issue may account for its lack of popularity? I have heard that just using an Aries 3 motor with fishing rod wire (e.g., SpyderWire) is a good alternative. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

Showing 1 response by ratbbb2

Has anyone here tried the Mylar ribbon that some use on the teres?

thanks roger