VPI Classic 3 anyone try a Denon 103R

I have to admit, all the cartridges and turntables that I have been thru over the years, I really found that I really enjoyed the Denon 103R as much as any..AND I have had quite a few!

I just bought a new Classic 3 in Rosewood...I just wondering if anyone has tried it on a Classic 3.. Is it a match with this arm? Compliance issues? Other?

How bout phono stage recomendations?



Showing 8 responses by bobc

Thanks guys!

Interesting... That's what I find when I search... Someone seyz no way, wont werk... Another seyz awesome...

Also considering the Dynavector DV20X2 or XX-2 II Low Output versions...

What about the Dynavector P75II Phono Stage? Decent? If it will drive all Dynavector cartridges as is . why does Dynavector offer a $3000.00 step up?

I listen to 99% Jazz... Double bass, Bari and alto sax, vocals...

What's important to me:

Likes: EASE in presentation, Weight in bottom, texture, bloom, midrange rich, not syrup but rich...

Dislikes: Hyper detail, cold, super fast, brittle, cold , sterile, any kind of glare, tizzy.



The xx-2 is twice the $$.. Can you tell me the differences?

How about that with the Dyana 75 phono..
Or Rouge Ares? Or ??


Thanks All.

I am considering the Dynavectors... My budget is not limited to 103R, but, I have had many more expensive cartridges that did not perform as well as the Denon 103D and 103R..

We have all upgraded to more expensive, highly touted audio gear without seeing much if any benefit... It's never about what is best , but, is almost always about what trade offs we can live with....and which best suits our system... Beware of anyone that recommends anything new unless they ask for system specifics and sonic preferences... Anyone can buy a system based on S-Phile, Class A components..but not all are compatable and provide synergy.

And, for the record, I do now how to calculate how much gain is needed for a given cartridge and looking for the appropriate phono stage/step up device accordingly.

Miyajima Takumi, VanDenHul Frog, Koetsu Rosewood, Rosewood Signature, Urushi, denon 103 and 103R, a couple different ClearAudio, VanDenHul MM2, Ortofon 2M Black.. Dynavector Diamond 1980's.

Most impressive/ Best Value, Denon 103 and 103r. Koetsu Rosewood standard

Most disappointing: koetsu Urushi.

Fave tonearm Graham 1.5, really like the looks and design of the Schick 12" arm but haven't tried it. And of course the Triplanar ....

Idea: If it has been covered before and bothers you... Just hit the back button on your browser... and move on...

I will not be looking at or reponding to this thread again..

Thanks all for the input and assistance- much appreciated.