VPI Avenger

I had the pleasure of hearing this table in 6 different rooms at RMAF, and it sounds and looks beautiful.
Are there any owners of this table that could share their thoughts? I'm seriously considering ordering one. I have the original Classic TT and want to move up the VPI line.

Showing 1 response by buconero117

Harry is a marketing fox, taken old components and re-purposing them for a 'new' machine. Beware of 'printed' tone arms, as they are inferior to those made of high quality machined parts. Harry knows that but needed to provide and excuse for a $15,000 piece of eye candy. My local VPI dealer tells me that set up for this machine will be very complicated, so a dealer will be spending a lot of time at your house. The dealer also indicated you need a solid platform to put this machine on. The platform alone could cost you 3-5 K. Think about it, a three arm version will cost you, including cartridges, about $30K. I will wait for some reviews in the audio press. I am sure Harry's PR machine is in overdrive.