VPI anti-skate device

I have a VPI scoutmaster wtih JMW9 tonearm. I purchased the add-on anti-skate device and I am having trouble setting it up. I installed it according to the directions I found here: http://www.elusivedisc.com/prodinfo.asp?number=HW-JMW1015

However the device is is interfering with the full rotation of the tone arm. The left side protrusion of the tone arm hits the anti skate device. Can some one with a JMW9 and the antiskate device take a picture of their set up and email it to me so I can see what I'm doing wrong?


Showing 1 response by mjglo

It looks like you have it set up correctly but the string is not long enough. I have a 10.5i arm and made my own string out of 4# test fishing line. I also do not use any O-rings on the outboad arm and only one on the upright arm with the loop of the string just resting on top of the O-ring. The loop is as high up on the arm as I can get it for the minimum of anti-skate. I made the string to a length so it touches the top of the pivot point when the arm is at rest, with it this length it is activated as soon as I move the arm but will not flop the devise over when the cartridge is at the center of the record.

Good luck,