VPI anti-skate device

I have a VPI scoutmaster wtih JMW9 tonearm. I purchased the add-on anti-skate device and I am having trouble setting it up. I installed it according to the directions I found here: http://www.elusivedisc.com/prodinfo.asp?number=HW-JMW1015

However the device is is interfering with the full rotation of the tone arm. The left side protrusion of the tone arm hits the anti skate device. Can some one with a JMW9 and the antiskate device take a picture of their set up and email it to me so I can see what I'm doing wrong?


Showing 4 responses by arnold_layne

I have the black junction box. I think I got it figured out. The pictures shown on the website show the device coming out perpendicular to the tonearm. I had to angle it a bit to make sure the tone arm clears the device when tracking a record.


What I've done to compensate for the string's lack of proper length is to angle the AS device towards the tone arm. This seems to have solved two problems. First, it prevents the tone arm from coming in contact with the AS device as it moves towards the center of the record, and second, it prevents the device from flopping over. Now to optimize it for best sound.

I've been trying to adjust this thing to get optimal results. It seems that when I adjust to for less anti skate, the adjustment also causes less counter-balance for the device and it topples over towards the tonearm eliminating any anti-skate benefit at all. It can also bind the tonearm and cause skipping and mis-tracking. Perhaps I'm not installed it correctly. I have it mounted in the junction box screw hole closest to the tone arm (JMW9). If I mount it so it points straight out towards the front of the plinth with the notched portion with the two o-rings sticking up, the tone arm will bump into it during the playing of an LP. If someone with a Scoutmaster with the JMW9 arm has this device installed and working properly would post a picture or two at several angles maybe I can get this thing to work properly.
Here are three pictures:




As you can see, in the second picture, when the arm is in play, the mono filament reaches it's maximum length before you reach the end of the LP side.