Voxative Hagan

These are interesting looking speakers.  Full range w/wizzer cone. 


Any more info?


Keithr, yes, very much. Unfortunately though, they are now in a much smaller space in Colorado. Listed them for sale but I'll keep them rather than firesale them. They are truly extraordinary. You still on the Dartzeel wagon?
The  next one up is very good  with the 8 inch driver is much more versatile 
and dynamic . I heard it with a JL audio 10 subwoofer and it rounded very seamless and detailed  with no Xover  very pure you can get a pr for under $8k
and being over 95 db efficient  any good quality amplifier would be fine. 
Full range with the exception of the top end and the bottom octaves. This speaker is very much a bookshelf equivalent.
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