Von Schweikert VR4 JR Speaker Cables

I am seeking advice on cables for the VR4 JRs. I have the current equipment setup:

Counterpoint SA20 200wpc Tube Hybrid. New Tubes
Denon PRA-2000 Pre-amp
Transparent Reference Interconnects Amp to Pre, Cd to Pre
Denon DCD3520 CD PLayer
MIT MH750 Music Hose 8 foot
Previous Speaker Martin Logan CLSIIz.

The mids and Highs are wide and spacious, not clogged, with a wide stage and presence.

Bass is a little on the boomy side, not tight. Added 25 pounds of lead shot to each speak helped a little but nbot as tight as I think they should be or would like. They sound like they are on wood floors but they are on Concrete subfloor with carpet.

Currently trying Consonance Joplins. Base is extremely tight, but then the mids and highs are narrowed to about three feet in width. Mids and highs sound more accurate but soundstage is almost gone. Running the cables to see if it is break in?

Anyone with any experience with these speakers please comment/advise.

Showing 3 responses by mcmiller

Jtgale: "...4jr's (rear) DO NOT LIKE MIT, IMHO."

What does that mean exactly? Can you elaborate?
If you already like the sound of the MH750, why not buy some decent cables for the lower run? You really need to bi-wire those speakers. Currently I'm running MIT MH750SII to the monitors and Taralabs TSII to the bass cabinets. The dual run made a nice improvement over the single wire run.
Thanks for the response. You could have left out all those explicit disclaimers. I wasn't being defensive about my MH750s - I was really interested in your opinion.

The reason I asked is that I have been happy with the MH750 but I've been feeling the urge to try something new. I really loved the MH750 with the Thiels and right now they are good but I have to wonder if there is something better for the VR4jrs. I don't have a pool of comparison cables to swap around so your insight is helpful.

I'm surprised that you still have the 330 in your system if you went away from the MH750. I also have some 330 shotguns and they are really very good but since the speaker upgrade I have prefered the Z-squared toplines and the cryoed VH pulsars. I intend to go back and try them again in a couple of months after I am accustomed to the current configuration.

Chris VenHaus is supposed to be offering a new speaker cable soon and I think I'm going to try that before I buy anything else simply because I like the pulsars so much. Maybe in a few months I can offer a review to help out the original poster.
